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Three million page reads! And an announcement...

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

For those of you who don’t know, Kindle Unlimited is the Amazon version of your local library. Only, instead of paying for it out of our taxes (a tax I actually want to pay), it’s a subscription service. In the UK, you pay £7.99 per month,in the US $9.99. It’s also available in many other countries. Unlike a library book, authors don’t get paid per book borrowed, they get paid per pages read. Which is a great incentive to write page turners!

Millions of Amazon books are available through KU – but not all. As an author, I have to choose to make a book available exclusively with Amazon if I want it to be in the program. That’s why The World Walker and The Unmaking Engine aren’t currently available anywhere else. It’s a trade-off. Of course, I’d like my books to be available to a wider readership, but I love the idea that voracious readers can feed their habit for the same cost of buying one paperback a month.

And – as you have probably guessed – Kindle Unlimited has been a good choice for me. I woke up this morning to see the two books had passed three million page reads since the end of March. Amazing!

In October, I was in the top 100 authors in terms of books borrowed through KU in the UK (just noticed that KU UK is a palindrome. I really must get out more.)

So, a huge thank you to all my readers. And here’s the announcement –

The World Walker and The Unmaking Engine are now in production for Audible Studios and – hopefully – will be available by the end of this year. If you’re an audiobooks fan, watch this space. 

Book three in The World Walker Series is now underway. I’ll blog more about that soon.

Please comment below – I’m trying to be more active online. And please sign up to mailing list using the ‘sign up here’ link at the top of this page. I’ll send you the unpublished prologue to The World Walker and let you know when new books are about to be published.

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